There is nothing God can do for you without first doing it to you.
Every change that comes for you must start with you. (2 cor. 5 vs. 17). The emphasis here is on the person.
Christianity is not a change of behavioural pattern……. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature…God’s number one goal is in changing you and not necessarily your circumstances or your situation.
Why? The reason is that If you are changed, you can change your situation.
God works from your inside to your outside. It is who you are and not necessarily what you do that determines what you get. You don’t get in life what you want, but what you are. (You can be close to great people but not be great)
In order to do something great for God, you have to do something you have never done before.
You should evaluate the things you have done in the past so as to change. (Job 8 Vs 17)
ð For you to change your personality, you have to change your mentality.
ð For you to increase in life, you must change your perspective to life.
Your destiny is in your hands. If you chose to prosper / increase, nothing can stop you, just change your thoughts.
A man’s lifestyle is an external expression of what he thinks. (Prov 23 Vs 27)
ð Do not let people’s opinion of you become your reality in life.
Jacob internalised the meaning of his name (Cheat etc) that it affected his mentality. Until he realised that he is a Prince, but when God changed his mentality/Name, he began to prosper.
Any battle you win/loose, it begins from within. It is your WHO that determines your DO!
One of the destructive tendencies of the enemy is to let you believe that you have a low mentality. Reject it!
ð You can only retain what you have the power to attract. (The greatest evil you can do to someone is to promote them wrongly!!!!)
Perception is stronger than reality (You get in life what you ARE and not what you WANT!)
.. And the LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward (NKJV) (Gen 13 Vs 14)
“...and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power. (NKJV)“ (Eph 1Vs 19)
Your EYES of understanding and your MIND must be renewed. What your mind has not conceived, you cannot achieve. Greatness failure is all products of the mind.
God’s words are activated ONLY by the proportion of your vision. (Your ability to use your mind) (Jeremiah 1 Vs 11 – 12)
No one can place a LIMIT on you. The moment your perception changes to the negative, you begin to think like your enemy. (Eph 3 Vs 30)
ð The reason poverty is rampant today is because poverty has been in the mentality of many.
ð When you look at the SKY, your VISION is broadened!
The ME I see is the ME I become! ‘In order to do something you have never done before, you have to be someone you’ve never been before’
ð Whatever you believe long enough on, you begin to behave like it.
“……. He was a prosperous man…” (Gen 39 Vs 1 – 2)
This means that even though Joseph was a slave, his mentality was that of a prince and not a pauper.
ð No matter what you are going through, never allow your mind to be imprisoned.
ð All ways remember that you are the son of the all Great God. Change the way you think, for your change comes from within.
ð The strength of domination is the introduction of inferiority complex.
ð Attitude not aptitude determines your function.ð When you are knocked out, make sure you fall with your back. (As far as you can see the sky (Heavens), you are bound to RISE again.
Wants shows up in Conversations, but Expectations shows up in Behaviour!.
Today is the smallest you will ever be, for your increase begins with YOU.
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