
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Master Key to Divine Help

Man can be helpless and we need help in certain situations and circumstances, but God is always there to help us once we call on him.

God's help is from above and it is superior to any other help. There is no man that can make it in life without God's help either directly or through benefactors. Benefactors are people that God put on our ways (journey through life). God can help man Directly or Indirectly through the Angels or fellow human beings.

God can help you through the assistance of Angels. three (3) Angels visited Abraham. Because of his life of hospitality, he was blessed of God. because God was in their midst, Abraham and Sarah were helped.

Pastors, Prophets:
God can use your Pastors, Prophets etc to help you. (-1 Samuel 7 vs. 5). God has planted them there for your purpose. Samuel cried out to God on behalf of Israel and god heard his prayers and helped the Israelites.
However, if you want God to help you, you have lots of responsibilities to perform.
Obedience: Obedience is the trigger for every divine help.
There are several examples of people who were obedient and the result that they got.
  • John 2:1-11: When the wine at the marriage supper finished, the Disciples of Jesus were told to do something, and because they obeyed, Jesus performed a Miracle.
  • John 9:1-11: The blind man obeyed Jesus and his eyes were restored.
  • 1 Kings 17:9-16: The woman of Zarephath obeyed and at the end, she received multiples of miracles and never knew any lack.
  • 2 Kings 5:1-19: Naaman was asked to just do a simple task and pride would have made him loose his healing, but reason prevailed, he obeyed and was made whole.
For you to perpetually enjoy divine help, you need to be very obedient. Whatever  that is considered DEAD in your life, with help, God is calling it to life today in Jesus Name.

You must identify where your help would come from. In Mark 5:21-37, the Synagogue Ruler did not go anywhere else but to Jesus; he must have heard about the works of Jesus. He knew where his help would come from.

The woman with the issue of blood made up her mind to touch the garment of Jesus and she received her healing instantly.

I don't know what you have been hoping for or what you may have been suffering from, but if you propose in your heart and ask for help, Jesus will surely help you.

I don't know the situation you are in and people have been laughing at you, I want you to know that Jesus is alive and ready to help you.

The Woman with the issue of blood suffered for 12 years and Jarus's daughter was also 12 years old according to the scriptures, thus in this 12th Month of the Year, God is telling someone to COME Alive today!!! be it your Finances, Destiny, Health, Career, Immigration Status etc. You must be sensitive to the word of God and whatever the Spirit of God tells you to do, you must do so without hesitation.

When God is ready to help you, He will help you beyond your imaginations. When God decides to help you in a certain area, don't just assume that is the end, it might just be the beginning of a change in your destiny.

The Master Helper
 16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17, New King James Version)
  • Obedience is the key to provoking Divine help.
  • Divine help requires obedience;
  • Obedience requires illumination;
  • Illumination requires the Power of the Holy Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit is the Master Helper.
  • The Holy Spirit is the ROOT of divine Help.
  • The Holy Spirit teaches Us all things;
  • The Holy Spirit abides with Us forever.
  • The Holy Spirit is Our Comforter.
For you to receive Divine Help, you must be Obedient to the Master Helper - The Holy Spirit.

Your prayer(s) should be:
  • Father help me Oh Lord, I raise my voice to you; I recognise that you are the only one to help me.
  • Help me Oh Lord according to your Word in Isaiah 43:19
19   Behold, I will do a new thing,  
      Now it shall spring forth;
      Shall you not know it?
      I will even make a road in the wilderness
      And rivers in the desert.
       (Isaiah 43:19, New King James Version)
  • Father this is your season of favour, Answer me Oh Lord.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Crossing Over

Crossing Over (Text: Mark chapter4vs35)
Crossing over is a very important occasion that must take place in our lives as Christians . 
Things Required For Crossing Over are
·         You must leave the multitude: You cannot cross over until you yourself as an individual listens to God and obey his instructions.
·         Get God into your boat: You cannot cross over by yourself will, you have to commit everything to Jesus.
·         Expect The Storm: The devil is very hardworking looking for who to devour. When you want to cross over expect the storm and be prepared.
·         Stop self pity, move to something new.
       When The devil Comes, These are Things You must Bear in Mind
·         You must not allow your past to come into your present .Every bad thing you have done in the past you have to let go, Forget about the negativity. Bitterness defiles relationship and every other thing. Roman  chapter 2.
"Don't be overcome by evil use good to overcome evil. You have to let your good and better go for you to be best. Don't let the enemy keep you at your better".
·         God allows a storm in your life because he wants to teach you a lesson. Mark chapter 4vs 39.God allows a storm cause you have not learnt  the lesson.
·         The enemy knows if you cross over it is over."When God is taking you cross the storm, the storm cannot stop you. Whatever the storm takes from you, God will double it. Some storm  are necessary to cross you over.
·         God is faithful .Num chapter23 vs19,crossing over is God's initiative. When the enemy comes to you to tell you that you have not received because you changed your location, remember you are serving a faithful God.philch 1 vs. 6 .
·         Finally  you need to trust God psalm ch37.
# End

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Things that destroy Godly Relationships

The moment we know the Rules of Godly Relationship, its very important that we take some time out to know what we should try to avoid doing or the life when must try to avoid living in order not to destroy the Godly relationship we have.

Things that destroy Godly Relationships

There are many things that destroy Godly relationship, which among them will include:
  • Fornication
  • Lying
  • Unfaithfulness
  • Covetousness
  • Drunkeness
  • and the list is endless.
Other things may include:
  1. Wrong attitude to / or perception of the opposite s-e-x.
  2. Covetousness destroys life and brings bitterness. This ultimately leads to being parasitic, and having a parasitic relationship is not good at all.
  3. Premature timing for relationships can be a kill joy. Timing is a number one rule in Life.
  4. Backsliding / poor knowledge of the word of God.
  5. When there is no Holy Ghost in any relationship, that relationship is doomed to fail.
The Holy Ghost is a comforter, a friend, a teacher in any relationship. If you ever want to have a great relationship, I will suggest you ask the Holy Spirit for an advice and teaching.

Levels of Relationship

There are various levels of Relationship that you have to be aware of.
  • The relationship between God and You.
  • The relationship between You and Your Parents.
  • The relationship between You and your School / Course Mates / Friends.
  • The relationship between You and A FRIEND. (One that is closer than a Brother).
  • The relationship between You and that Special ONE (1).
In all your relationships, make sure its Godly and always ask the Holy Ghost to help you out, and stay Blessed.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Rules for a Godly Relationship

As a continuation from the series of the knowing the difference between Friend and fiend, we understood that a friend is someone with who you have a sort of relationship with, while a foe is someone who is a foe or an enemy.

We also went to the extent of asking if there is any rule for a Godly Relationship, and on answering this question, I will yes a "BIG" - YES!!!.

Many people might not find this a s a rule, but I will say that if you are able to adhere to this, you will a better person.
  1. Understanding: To be a better friend, you must develop an understanding of who you are dealing with. Understanding your friend is very crucial if indeed you want a lasting relationship.
  2. Love: Without overemphasizing this, a relationship without Love is doomed to fail. True Love and not Lust is the engine / life-wire of any TRUE selfless relationship
  3. Trust
  4. Faithfulness
Ok, without sounding very odd, I must say that the Golden Rule that guides all Relationships is LOVE. Love is  when those that are offended go the long way of looking for their offender and makes peace or settles with them, and even go to the extents of giving them their best.

This makes it the most important virtue to have, because any friendship built on Love (selflessness) and not selfishness (lust) will survive the turbulence of life.

Find out if there are things that destroy Godly Relationships

Friday, September 3, 2010

The difference between Friend and Fiend

Have you ever asked yourself  this question: What is the difference between Friend and Fiend?
Well, let me share the burden with you, and relieve you of some troubles trying to crack your brain to get the answer.

Now before I try to answer that, I will like you to have a little understanding of the two words -Friend and Fiend.

A Friend

A friend is someone who you know very well and someone you like a lot to hold close to your heart or even if the person is not yet inside your heart, the person is just very close.

A friend can also be said to be someone who can stand in for you when the going goes though; someone who can always lend a shoulder to cry on when you are down.

Okay that said, now lets have a little understanding of who a fiend is.

A fiend

A Fiend according to my small dictionary means: An evil Spirit, a Cruel or wicked person, someone who is diabolically wicked, a very implacable and malicious foe. A foe.... come on.... a foe simply means that a fiend is an enemy!!!!

Ok in case you are still wondering why I asked the question in the first place, let me now tell you that the main difference between FRIEND and FIEND is "R" which stands for RELATIONSHIP.

That said, a Friend is someone who you have a kind of relationship with, be it casual, deep, shallow, strong, or any definition you might give it, but a Fiend is simply a foe - an enemy, and who needs an enemy in their lives? The answer without even you opening your mouth to say it is NO ONE.

Friendship can be both Godly and ungodly, and we are equipped with the required sense of reasoning on what exactly is Godly or ungodly.
The question now is: Are there any set of Rules for a Godly Relationship?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Open Doors

In the Natural course of Child birth, from the moment the fetus is conceived, through the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester till the 9th month, there is always a great expectation from the Mother, Father, siblings, Grand Parents and everyone around.

The 9th month comes with the height of the expectations and in Christendom, the 9th month is also significant , because it ushers in a new birth, a new being, a new You.

For me and all the people of RCCG Open Heavens Dublin, this Month is being themed "The Month of Deliverance" or better, "The Month of Open Doors".

Now before you go "Ohhhhhh", let me tell you now that before your doors can ever be Opened, you must be expectant of something!!! So I would be allowed to say that:
My prayer for you as you read this, is that as you step into this new month, "Every door that you have been knocking on and it seems very hard to open, God Almighty - The one who opens a Door and no one can close it, - The one who says YES and it comes to pass, - He alone will open ALL the closed doors in your life."
I await your testimonies. Don't be shy, just know that as you testify, God's blessings will continue to abide in you.

If you are / were born in this month, I say a Big Congratulations to you, and welcome you to the Month of Open Doors, as all doors in your life would be swan OPEN for you as you believe.

Thanks and God Bless you.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Reasons to celebrate

When your Pharaoh is drowned, you will have lots of reasons to celebrate.

1. God is dealing with your enemies.
One of the most important reasons to celebrate is because God Almighty is dealing with all your enemies both spiritually and physically.
God is swallowing every one of your enemies that are giving you a hard time right now. Remember Haman and Mordecai in the book of Esther Chapter 5.
Exodus 23:22 – “God will be an enemy to your enemies”. All those enemies both spiritual and physical that have made a point to be a nuisance in your life have made the greatest mistake because God has taken over. You are set free completely. Your testimony is soon coming.

2. The Promise of God must be fulfilled.
When God sent Moses to Pharaoh with the message “Let my people go”, Pharaoh said “Oh is it because you don’t have works to do, that made you have the guts to come to me to demand the leave of the Israelites”, he then doubled their work load. Moses went back to God and God sent him back with the same message. In total, it took 10 different plagues to convince Pharaoh that he should let the Israelites go.
Someone will be celebrating today with a testimony on their lips because God has fulfilled his promise in their life today.
You may have been shown a Vision by God, but it seems the Vision is taking a very long time to materialise – RELAX!!!!!!!! BE PATIENT!!!!!!! That Vision will come to pass, not in your time but in God’s time, which is the right time. God never make promises that he does not keep. “God cannot lie”. (Hebrew 11:29)

You can’t have any of these blessings if you don’t have any atom of faith. The Bible says that if your faith is as small of mustard seed, you can say to the mountain “… be ye removed!” and it shall come to pass.

Pastor Felix Orefuwa of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Open Heavens, Dublin, gives an insight about faith, as he describes faith as thus: “Faith is that currency that draws from God”.

Celebration therefore is always lead by an act of faith. It’s greatly up to you to have faith if you want to be a partaker of all the blessings that God has laid in stock for you, or miss them.
My prayer is that you should never miss your blessings. Look up to God and release your faith. God bless you.

When your pharaoh is drowned

The People of Israel were faced between the Red sea and the Armies of the Egyptians. Pharaoh and his armies were a thorn on their flesh. But God drowned them, and gave the Israelites victory and a passage towards the Promised Land.

My prayer today is that “Every forces of darkness militating against your life, finances, education, marriage etc the Lord God will drown them!!. Your Pharaoh would be drowned today”

 27 And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and when the morning appeared, the sea returned to its full depth, while the Egyptians were fleeing into it. So the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. 28 Then the waters returned and covered the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them. Not so much as one of them remained. 29 But the children of Israel had walked on dry land in the midst of the sea, and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.  30 So the LORD saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore. (Exodus 14:27-30, New King James Version)

When it is said “your pharaoh is drowned”, what does it mean?
It means:
1. To be set free from stagnancy.
When the children of God were in Egypt, the Bible made us to realise that they were in the same position for four hundred and thirty (430) years. They were on the same spot, doing the same job, living in slavery, they were lost and it seemed that God had forgotten them, but when pharaoh died, they were set free. That power that divided the Red sea and let the people of Israel to pass through and get to their Promised Land is still active even at this moment.

In Acts of the Apostles (Acts 3: 1-5) The Bible tells a story of a crippled man. The man was crippled and never celebrated any victory for forty years (40 yrs). He was at the same spot for forty years, seeing the same things, hearing the same things, but when the power of God came through Peter and John, he was set free.

That power of darkness militating against your life shall be broken! Your season of celebration is now. People will come and celebrate with you.

2. To moved forward. (Exc. 3:8)
The Israelites moved from the position they had been for four hundred and thirty years (430yrs). According to the book of John 5, the man at the pool of Bethesda stayed at the same spot for thirty-eight years (38yrs). For 38 years he was continuously looking forward to the day the Angels would come and stir the water. His life was stagnant; he was hopeless, he was helpless, he must have lost all hopes, but the moment Jesus came his way, he moved out from that spot.

There is the troubling of waters right now, and ONLY if you believe then you can celebrate the victories. I await your testimonies.

3. Full recovery of all Lost properties.
For someone reading this, for everything you have lost, if you believe that in the name of Jesus - that name that is above all names, you will recover them in Jesus Name.

Your career, marriage, destiny, health would be restored …. All you need is to believe.

By the time God visited Job again, Job got everything he had lost even in double portion. Therefore my prayer for you today is that “for everything you have lost in the past, In the Name of Jesus, he will restore them to you in doubles”.

Reasons to celebrate [Read More ........]

Monday, July 19, 2010

Jehovah Elshaddai

There is a God that answers prayers and His name is Jehovah Elshaddai. Prayers is one of the most important things in the life of Christians. It is prayers that have brought us thus far, and it is also prayers that would still take us far.

it is discovered that the reason many people don't pray when they are given assignments or when they are going through issues in their lives, is largely because they always rely on their own mights, intelligence, social status, professionalism and self, in order to carryout their assignments. If we pray without ceasing (as the Bible commands), we would find less time to engage in petty gossip, quarreling and back-bite our neighbours.

A certain woman was in trouble, her husband has died, she is just left with her sons, and the husband's creditors are on their neck, trying to take her sons as slaves. She cried to the Prophet of God and adhered to all the instructions the Prophet gave her. She never relied on her might, expertise or profession. She totally obeyed and she was blessed.
 1 A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the LORD. And the creditor is coming to take my two sons to be his slaves.”
2 So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.”  
3 Then he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbors—empty vessels; do not gather just a few. 4 And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons; then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the full ones.”  
5 So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured it out. 6 Now it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.”  
And he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” So the oil ceased. 7 Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.” (2 Kings 4:1-7, New King James Version)
There are lots of lessons to be learnt from this passage of 2 Kings chapter 4 verse 1 to 7:
  1. Neighbourhood Involvement: Be very much involved in what is going on in your neighbourhood or else when you need any empty vessels, you wont be able to find anywhere to get or borrow them. The woman was in very good terms with her neighbours, that was why she was able to borrow lots of empty vessels when her own containers were finished. According to some scholars, this was the origin of Crude oil production. (Don't ask me, am not a Petrochemical Engineer, neither am I a renewable Energy practitioner - lol just mussing)
  2. Counseling: It is important that you should always seek counsel from Trusted Spiritual Leaders.
  3. Obedience to Authority: As Christians, we should be obedient to men of God and people in Authority. The Man of God gave instructions, and she obeyed and the result was an untold abundance.
  4. Personal Expectations: Always make it a point in your life to not limit your expectations from God.
  5. Aim High and Dream Big: Do not limit your Dreams and aspirations.
Women/wives must be people who can and must have a constant channel of communication with God, so that when their man / husbands are gone, they would ba in a better possition to take over the handling of affairs in the homes.

Surely troubles and problems will come our ways, but God has already given us something in our various homes to solve these problems.

    Wednesday, July 14, 2010

    Kingdom Commitment

    The first thing you would ask yourself is "What is Commitment?"
    Commitment could be defined as "In-dept or total involvement in anything one does".
    Having said that, what then is Kingdom Commitment?
    On can say that Kingdom Commitment is "being zealous in the things of God with knowledge", or simply put, Kingdom Commitment is "being totally involved in the work of the Kingdom of God"
    Like Jesus made us to understand in the book of Luke 9:62, Kingdom Commitment is the Main Key to everything you want in the Kingdom of God.
    62 But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62, New King James Version)
    Why must you be committed to God's Kingdom?
    1. In the Kingdom business, there is no slothfulness.
      1. You must make sure that you have overcome all level of laziness in you. (1 Cor 15:58)
      2. You must be very steadfast in all you do.
      3. You must be immovable and always abounding in your work for the Lord, with the knowledge that every work you do for God is never in vain.
    2. Salvation is not a cheap thing. Therefore its important that you strive to "work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil 2:12)
    3. You must be very mindful of every step you take in life, every thing you do or say etc. Its important you guide and guard your lips, and think before you talk.
    4. The Coming of Jesus Christ is at Hand.
      • You have to be watchful of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Make sure you live each day as if Jesus is coming the next minute. Be anxious for nothing, but remember that in all things, you have the key to effective communication with God through Prayer and supplication.
    You may have noted that I said "Effective Communication With God". This is because many of us forget that Prayer is a two-way Communication. Whenever you go to God in prayers, always wait to hear from him. It is not good to just heap all your requests to God without waiting for Him to give you an answer or just talk to you in His own way. You must develop a good communication technique or channel with God.

    Benefits of Kingdom Commitment
    There are lots of Benefits you will gain when you are totally committed to the Work of the Kingdom of God.
    1. You will have Favour from God: When you are committed to the Work of God, you will receive uncountable Favour(s) from God.
    2. You will have Joy and Peace of Mind: Whenever you have spent time doing Gods work, and contributing to the expansion of Gods kingdom (even in your own little way), you will always have some instant results in the form of unquenchable Joy, and absolute peace of Mind. If you are highly tunned to Gods presence and His miraculous frequency, you will always notice His joy that goes beyond all human understanding.
    3. You will have greater responsibility: One of the essential benefits of being committed to the work of God's kingdom is that you become an Ambassador of Christ on Earth, thus you have a greater responsibility of keeping the Work of God afloat. Jesus Christ took a great responsibility by giving us a way to gain Eternal Life in God's Kingdom, so its is now our own responsibility to help others see the Light of God. But remember that your work is to spread the good news of the Kingdom of God, and allow the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts, and make the seeds you have sown to germinate and bear fruit.
    Killers of commitment
    In this race of the Kingdom commitment, there are certain things that will tend to make you fail or pull you down. It is very important that you focus on your main aim, which is to do the work of Him that sent you - God. Some of the killers of commitment are:
    1. Comparison with others: You should avoid comparing yourself with others. God has made you as the ONLY you on Earth. You don't have a photocopied version of yourself.
    2. Envy and murmuring / Gossip: The gift of God in our lives is in levels. Instead of envying and murmuring about other people's conditions or riches or state, you could always desire higher gifts and pray to God to enable you have them. But remember that every gift of God comes with responsibility, so ask / use it wisely, because "every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord"
    Always remember that "Kingdom commitment is a personal Race". So there is no need for you to want to "be like others" be happy with whatever gift you have, and be committed in whatever thing you are doing in the Kingdom of God.

    Sunday, July 11, 2010

    Let Wisdom Speak

    1 Does not wisdom cry out, And understanding lift up her voice?(Proverbs 8:1, New King James Version)
    It's wisdom that makes people think of doing things together, just as in Genesis chapter 11. This shows that what-so ever we purpose in our hearts, we have the ability to carry it out. Men can purpose in their hearts to do things for example, many scientific and non-scientific inventions were brought about by a simple though in a man's heart. This, they further experimented upon and then the final products were made available for our understanding and enjoyment.

    My prayer today is "may God help us to be able to make proper use of our talents to glorify God, and also for the goodness of our lives". There is hope for you today, to use your brain and your minds to go higher in Life.

    There are two types of Wisdom that a man have access to:
    1. Wisdom from above (God)
    2. Wisdom from hell (Devil)
    13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. 16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. 18 Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. (James 3:13-20, New King James Version)
    According to James 3: 13-20:
    1. The Wisdom for excellence is from God.
    2. The Wisdom to take you higher is from God.

    Men who exhibited the Wisdom of God
    There are many examples in the bible of men of old who exhibited the wisdom of God or who properly utilized the wisdom that God gave them.
    1. Joshua
    In Deuteronomy 34:9, the Bible made us to understand that Joshua needed wisdom because of where God was taking him to.
     9 Now Joshua the son of Nun was full of the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him; so the children of Israel heeded him, and did as the LORD had commanded Moses.  (Deuteronomy 34:9, New King James Version)
    As a Child of God, you need to be full of Wisdom for you to succeed in your Ministry.

    2. Noah - He received Wisdom to build an unsinkable ship.
    3. Daniel - The spirit of Wisdom was upon Daniel and God made him ten times wiser and above his fellows.
    4. Joseph - Though he never went to any school or had any scholastic degree, but because of God's wisdom operating in him, he was able to advice Kings, and even went on to become a Prime Minister in Egypt.

    According to Pastor Kunle Daniel of the RCCG Open Heavens Dublin, you must know that God's wisdom is part of the package of being born again. Once you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour, you inherit the wisdom of God that comes with it. So if you want to move higher in life, you need to steer that Wisdom in your life.

    How can you get Higher?
    1. You need to be studious.
    To get higher in life, you need to constantly Study the Word of God (Bible) and digest it, so that you can live by, and be strengthened by it.

    2. You need to have the Power of the Word of God in your life, and this comes only from constant study of Gods words.

    3. You need to Pray without ceasing. Prayer is the key to everything you need from God.
    There are different types of Prayer.
    • Prayer of inquiry. The Bible made us to understand that King David always seek God's face in prayers before he undertakes any ventures. (1 Sam 30:8)
    • Prayer of supplication.
    • Prayer for Spiritual Health.
    • Prayer of the righteous
    • Spoken prayer. etc.
    4. You need to be focused. (Mathew 6:22)
    “The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. (Matthew 6:22, New King James Version)"
    5. Keep good Company. (proverbs 13:20)
    Who are the people you move with? Remember that if you move with failure, you will surely fail. so the Bible wants you to know that:
    " 20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed. (Proverbs 13:20, New King James Version)"
    6. You need to Encourage One another. Remember that "Iron sharpness Iron"
    "22 Do not rob the poor because he is poor, Nor oppress the afflicted at the gate; (Proverbs 22:22, New King James Version)"
    7. You need to be a Giver.
    To get higher in life, you need to be steadfast in your giving. Cultivate the habit of Giving to God. The life of Issac is a typical example.
    While others were eating their seeds, Issac was planting and sowing seeds.

    Issac was able to do this because God gave him Wisdom. So its up to you now to either utilize the GIFTS that God has given you and use that Wisdom to excel and take your life to the next level. Let Wisdom speak, and be ready to open up your heart to hear and obey.

    Sunday, July 4, 2010

    Excellent Service

    Joseph while in the house of Pharaoh, did not consider himself a "slave", but offered the best of his abilities. Despite his inconveniences as a "slave boy",he offered the best of his services to his Master and conducted himself and all the works of his hands in an excellent manner.

    Excellent service is not about serving God in our convenience. It is not about "Eye Service" - doing things because you want an immediate reward.
    Joseph was doing every work in his Master's house with all his might, irrespective of the fact that he was NEVER going to get any rewards.

    When we render selfless service to God, temptations will surely come our ways (sometimes) in the form of "immediate/instant rewards"

    We have to be contempted / satisfied with the rewards that we would get from God. Never allow your travails, unanswered prayers to be a hindrance to your service to God, and hence being a blockage to receiving your reward(s) from God.

    Always remember that whoever renders an Excellent Service to God , He goes an extra mile to BLESS him beyond his imagination.

    So my question to you now is: -
    • Are you doing something for someone and expects an immediate reward from them?
    • Are you rendering help to anyone on behalf of God and wants the whole World to hear about it without even allowing God to first evaluate your efforts?
    • Are your giving an excellent service to God?
    Its up to you to know if you really measure up as someone who is worthy of giving an Excellent Service to God, because God expects the best from you.

    "2 The LORD was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. 3 And his master saw that the LORD was with him and that the LORD made all he did to prosper in his hand. 4 So Joseph found favor in his sight, and served him. Then he made him overseer of his house, and all that he had he put under his authority." (Genesis 39:2-4New King James Version)

    Saturday, July 3, 2010

    Thanksgiving a Miracle booster

    The Thanksgiving that produces Miracles

    We give thanks to God for the marvelous things He has done in our lives. For being alive daily; and for the benefits of being present on a daily basis; for seeing our families; for the ability to wake up daily, go to work, and be back safely; for our safety on a daily basis; for many countless things He has done for us.
    It gives God great joy to receive our thanksgiving, but only when it is properly given.

    The Psalmist in Psalms 103:1 -5 constantly gave thanks to God. It is therefore very important that we ask ourselves the question:
    Why should we give God thanks?
    We should continually give God thanks because He is the one that:
    1. Forgives all Iniquities.
    2. Heals all diseases and sicknesses.
    3. Redeems our lives from destruction.
    4. Crowns us with His loving kindness and His tender mercies.
    5. Satisfies our mouth with good things.
    6. Renews our youth like the eagle's.
    1. It is God's expectation that we should give Him thanks. (Psalm 50:12-15)
    2. Because it is inherent in the nature of man to give God Thanks. (Luke 12:16-20)
    3. Because thanksgiving, brings more of God's favour to us. (Luke 17:11-19)
    How Should we Give Thanks?
    According to the Psalmist (Psalm 96:1-4), we should give thanks to God by:
    1. Singing and prising God with great songs and hymens.
    2. Making a joyful noise to God.
    3. Testifying of His goodness and mercies.
    4. Verbally expressing our thanksgiving to God.
    5. Giving gifts to God.
    6. Giving God quality Offerings.
    How can our thanksgiving produce a Miracle?
    Most of the times we give thanks to God for what He has done in our lives, but God expects us to go beyond that (The extra mile) to give Him thanks for the things to come in future.

    According to the book of 2 Cor. 8:5, God expects you to give/offer your lives to Him first, before you can be able to give Him an acceptable thanks. It is only when we have sincerely offered ourselves to God through Jesus Christ, that we can then give Thanksgiving that would be acceptable to God, and hence unlock the manifestations of the miracles of God in our Lives.

    God is looking to you today for a Quality offering of thanksgiving; for a communion with Him. Its up to you to experience the great power of God's miracles, and this can only be made manifest when you accept Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour.

    As we have reached the second half of the year, let us make it a point in our lives to give God quality thanksgiving that would produce a miracle in our lives.

    Friday, June 4, 2010

    Does God know you?

    When God Knows you.
    Let me just firstly ask you a very important question: "Does God know you"
    The question we should always ask ourselves everyday is : "Does God know us?"

    According to the book of  Job Chapter 1, verses 1 to 8, God knew Job, and knew his capabilities.
    Now, if God cannot boast of you, that means there are things He cannot release to you, because He knows that you cannot be able to HANDEL THEM.

    You truely need to know how to work and WALK with God in your life.
    Job's life and everything he had was nourished by God. He had a strong relationship with God, but the only problem Job had was that he never had a "Covenant with God"

    Samuel (1 Samuel 1) had a covenant with God, and even knew God's voice. God called David "The man after His heart" because David had a close relationship with God.

    Therefore in order to enjoy the closeness that Jesus Christ has with God, we should be in the habit of examining our lives at all times.
    You must have to know how to hear from God. Always go to God in PRAYERS / conversation, and ask if the voice you are hearing right now is from HIM.
    There is no other way to get to have a closer realationship with God than through Jesus Christ his Son, so its up to you right now to make that call.

    Call on Jesus to inhibit your life, and make you His own, and be your Guide, Guard and redeemer. He is earger to come into your life and lead you. But first you must recognized that you cannot do it alone, and you need Jesus to help you.
    Tell God today that you want Him to know you and your Family. God Bless you.

    Wednesday, June 2, 2010

    Partnership with God

    Partnership with God.... The Principles of getting there.

    Have you ever thought of partnering with God? Have you ever though of how it would feel to discuss every action you are about to take in your life with God?

    OK, let me give you a little hint on the Principle of getting there.

    1. Fear the Lord. This by far the most important principle. You must honour God and get "addicted" to loving God. By so doing, you stand to get the following benefits for loving God
    • You will have TRUE knowledge (Proverbs 1:10)
    • God will be able to meet you.
    • God will communicate with you and give you all the information you need - Now if you make it a habit to have a chat with God about anything you are embarking on, you will be surprised on the ways that God will communicate with you. (Proverbs3:5)
    • You will have happiness that lasts. (Proverbs 28:14)
    • You will have focus in whatever you are doing.
    • God will reveal his secrets to you. (Proverbs 22:4)
    One thing I know for sure is that "The secret of discovery, is the LAW of FOCUS".
    The moment you make God your focal point, your mentality will surely change, and you would be one step closer to understanding the principles of getting there.

    According to Pastor Andrew Adeleke of the RCCG House of Praise Peckham London,
    "Until the mentality of  I am working for others is removed from your mind, you will NEVER prosper"

    Remember that when you work for others, you are only PRACTICING to be your own Master. - So have a RETHINK, and key into God's promise in 3rd John verse 2 (3 John 2).

    Bible passages used are copyright of their respective owners

     10  My son, if sinners entice you,   
          Do not consent. 
           (Proverbs 1:10, New King James Version)

     5  Trust in the LORD with all your heart,   
          And lean not on your own understanding; 
           (Proverbs 3:5, New King James Version)

     14   Happy is the man who is always reverent,   
          But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity. 
           (Proverbs 28:14, New King James Version)

     4  By humility and the fear of the LORD   
          Are riches and honor and life. 
           (Proverbs 22:4, New King James Version)
     2Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. (3 John 1:2, King James Version

    Monday, May 31, 2010

    Christianity is incomplete 2 ...

    Build a life of prayer, to get the power.
    ð  God give me the power of prayers, so that I can manifest your power.

    Until Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit, His ministry could not start. Likewise, we should return in the power of God’s spirit to enable us manifest.

    When you are with Jesus (focused on Jesus).
    ð  Power rubs off on you.
    ð  When power comes, your fame will announce you.
    ð  People will begin to ask who you are. (Acts 3: 12 – 15)
    ð  You cannot be with Jesus and be shamed.
    ð  By the power of Jesus that operates in your life, the enemy will never shame you. (Acts 4: 8 – 12)
    ð  When the Holy Ghost power comes upon you, confidence, boldness will come upon you.

    You can have strength but not have Power, but you cannot have Power and have no strength.
    ð  If you want to prevail over that Power that has been holding you down, you need the power of God.
    ð  If you live in the consciousness of the power of God in your life, the enemy will be far from you.

    Since the fall of Adam and eve in the Garden of Eden, Normal Situations ceased to exist. You can only use the power of the Holy Spirit to bring Normal Situations (normalcy) out of abnormality.

    The devil does not want normal situations to exist, but with the Power of God, we will overcome him. (Psalms 66: 9).

    Every believer stands on two (2) pillars.
    (a.) The Word of God.
    (b.) The Power of God.

    We must ask God for spiritual breakthrough (Eph. 1:3), and always go for the word of God, for His Word will push up your breakthrough.

    It’s important that we note that Heaven’s treasure is not for FREE, there is always a price tag. (Isaiah 55 vs. 1 – 10). The question now is:

    What is the price Tag?
    ð Purity is essential. Your life must be pure.
    ð  You must have a life of Prayer. Prayer is the only way we can access God’s presence.
    ð  You must live your life with a consciousness of your spiritual status.
    ð  A life of peace. God can only operate in a peaceful life.
    ð  You must be meek.
    ð  You must be Holy.

    This list is not exhaustive, but we need to examine our lives each day, and live our lives with the consciousness that Jesus Christ might come any day.

    The problem is that we always want God to do everything for us, but we have forgotten that God has given us all powers. We only just need to SPEAK, and He honours it.

    Finally, we should not allow the death of Christ on the cross of Calvary to be in vain. May we find grace in God to exercise Hs power in us, for Christianity is incomplete without God, and we MUST tap into the Power of God.

    Sunday, May 30, 2010

    Christianity is incomplete…

    Now you must be wondering why this kind of heading, well let me tell you now that: Christianity is incomplete without God (Luke 4: 1 – 15)

    After Jesus finished His fasting, the devil tempted Him, but for the wisdom of God in Jesus (who is God’s Wisdom personified), never allowed Him to be distracted and this is why the devil could not get Him.

    ð  So if we want to operate in the same reign / power that Jesus operated, we need to know how to counter the devil, when he comes with his temptations.

    For us as Christians to have access to operate in this same power that Jesus has, and exercise it in our lives, we need to return in the power of His (God) glory. Because, it is only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you have no power to operate.

    Power of Operation
    Even the closest people that were with Jesus on Earth – His disciples, could not operate or exercise their powers until Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to empower them. Acts 2: 1-4.

    We must differentiate between STRENGTH and POWER
    Until Power came upon the Apostles, they couldn’t do much. Peter went back a-fishing after the death of Jesus, until Jesus rose from the death, and empowered him, he could not do anything.

    Peter had boldness, power to heal, even so that his shadow healed many. Acts 3 vs. 4 – 7. These were all made possible after the Holy Spirit had empowered him.

    ð No matter what may be going on in your life today, Jesus is telling you today to arise in the power of the Holy Ghost and WALK.

    As Christians, we need the Power of God to function. Peter received Power to heal, but the cripple received Strength. As you read this today, I pray that Strength would return to your life.

    People in the old testament operated based on Strength (Samson, etc Judges 16:28 - ), but Jesus came to give us Power. Samson had always relied on his strength to kill the lion etc, but towards the end of his life, he remembered to pray to God.

    ð  As Christians, we should not fail to pray. “….for by strength shall no man prevail”.

    God wants us to operate in the realm of Power (Spiritual Power) for when you operate on Strength, it’s all physical.

    The truth of the matter is that you can not operate in Spiritual Power and suffer shame, hardship, struggles, lack and wants.

    ð  Sometimes we don’t know what we posses, until an event occur n your life, to test you on whether you are operating in STRENGTH or POWER.

     .... To be continued..... Christianity is incomplete without God

    Sunday, April 4, 2010

    My Increase begins with me

    There is nothing God can do for you without first doing it to you.

    Every change that comes for you must start with you. (2 cor. 5 vs. 17). The emphasis here is on the person.

    Christianity is not a change of behavioural pattern……. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature…God’s number one goal is in changing you and not necessarily your circumstances or your situation.

    Why? The reason is that If you are changed, you can change your situation.

    God works from your inside to your outside. It is who you are and not necessarily what you do that determines what you get. You don’t get in life what you want, but what you are. (You can be close to great people but not be great)

    In order to do something great for God, you have to do something you have never done before.
    You should evaluate the things you have done in the past so as to change. (Job 8 Vs 17)
    ð  For you to change your personality, you have to change your mentality.

    ð  For you to increase in life, you must change your perspective to life.

    Your destiny is in your hands. If you chose to prosper / increase, nothing can stop you, just change your thoughts.

    A man’s lifestyle is an external expression of what he thinks. (Prov 23 Vs 27)
    ð  Do not let people’s opinion of you become your reality in life.

    Jacob internalised the meaning of his name (Cheat etc) that it affected his mentality. Until he realised that he is a Prince, but when God changed his mentality/Name, he began to prosper.

    Any battle you win/loose, it begins from within. It is your WHO that determines your DO!
    One of the destructive tendencies of the enemy is to let you believe that you have a low mentality. Reject it!
    ð  You can only retain what you have the power to attract. (The greatest evil you can do to someone is to promote them wrongly!!!!)

    Perception is stronger than reality (You get in life what you ARE and not what you WANT!)

     .. And the LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward (NKJV) (Gen 13 Vs 14)
    “...and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power. (NKJV)“ (Eph 1Vs 19)

    Your EYES of understanding and your MIND must be renewed. What your mind has not conceived, you cannot achieve. Greatness failure is all products of the mind.

    God’s words are activated ONLY by the proportion of your vision. (Your ability to use your mind) (Jeremiah 1 Vs 11 – 12)

    No one can place a LIMIT on you. The moment your perception changes to the negative, you begin to think like your enemy. (Eph 3 Vs 30)
    ð  The reason poverty is rampant today is because poverty has been in the mentality of many.

    ð  When you look at the SKY, your VISION is broadened!

    The ME I see is the ME I become! ‘In order to do something you have never done before, you have to be someone you’ve never been before’
    ð  Whatever you believe long enough on, you begin to behave like it.

    “……. He was a prosperous man…” (Gen 39 Vs 1 – 2)
    This means that even though Joseph was a slave, his mentality was that of a prince and not a pauper.

    ð  No matter what you are going through, never allow your mind to be imprisoned.
    ð  All ways remember that you are the son of the all Great God. Change the way you think, for your change comes from within.

    ð  The strength of domination is the introduction of inferiority complex.
    ð  Attitude not aptitude determines your function.ð  When you are knocked out, make sure you fall with your back. (As far as you can see the sky (Heavens), you are bound to RISE again.

    Wants shows up in Conversations, but Expectations shows up in Behaviour!.
    Today is the smallest you will ever be, for your increase begins with YOU.

    Monday, March 1, 2010

    I am Blessed

    Ok, its yet another month, and I want you to know that I am quite eager and ready to face all that this new month will throw to my face.

    Before you just say a single word, I want to declare Gods promises for this new month.

    Do you know that: "When God decided to BLESS me, he needed nobody's Authority"

    So I would shout it out loud and clear that "I am Blessed whether you like it or not!!!!" 

    Make the best use of God's blessing in your lives this month.

    See you at the top